Who am I? My name is Bryan Lee Bradley!
Who am I? I am a sinner saved by God’s grace and washed by the blood of the Lamb, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am like any other Christian in that I battle daily, fighting off the desires of the carnal man. My mission statement is to seek God and His righteousness for my life; to try my very best to honor and glorify God in all things. Hopefully, one day I want to become an inspiration of godliness to my family, friends and all that know me.
My desire is to draw closer to God each and every day; to humbly demonstrate strong obedient faith while staying true to His word; to witness for Jesus by spreading the saving knowledge that has been given to us and maybe, just maybe, work together and in step with the Holy Spirit to help stir the hearts of men.
I graduated in 1985 from Fairview High School in Ashland, Kentucky. I graduated from Ashland Technical College in 1987. In my work profession, I serve as an Electromagnetic repairman. I am a certified in many things in my profession, such as Machinist and PLC (Program Logic Control). In 1991 I married my sweetheart, the former Deidre Riley. We dated for four years before she finally agreed to marry me! We’ve been married 19 years this year. We were blessed three years ago with a beautiful girl, Campbell. We’re still not sure why we waited so long to have a baby but we’re so glad she is in our lives.
My wife and I both have been blessed with good jobs-we both work in Huntington, West Virginia. We currently live in Russell, Kentucky. We are members of Rose Hill Baptist Church in Ashland. I love time with my family and friends! Other than salvation, time and family are the most important gifts God gives us while we are on this earth.
My callings include spreading the gospel of Christ; writing on faithful Christian living; ministering on FaceBook. I’ve been saved through Jesus Christ my Lord for for about 30 years. In 1991 I redicated my life to Christ! I’ve held many postions within the Church like, Music minister and Adult mens Sunday school teacher. I’m presenty working on my second book, based on faithful Christian living. I enjoy sports, in particular Kentucky Wildcats Basketball; fishing, especially small and large-mouth bass; I love taking smallmouth bass trips in the mountains of West Virginia. Playstation and X-box gamer (retired), hand gun collector (retired)-there’s only so much a man can do after becoming a father. If you really want to know who I am. Check out my testimony on my fb page notes or go to my new website faithfirstministries.org to read my testimony.